Who Killed Munir versi Bjorka

Who Killed Munir versi Bjorka
Who Killed Munir by Bjorka
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Three people who once sat in the prison chair on charges of committing Munir’s murder have breathed free air. Indra Setiawan, former President Director of PT Garuda Indonesia, who was sentenced by a panel of judges to participate in making fake letters, has been released after serving one year in prison. Pollycarpus, accused of being the executioner of Munir’s murder, was released on September 28, 2014. Meanwhile, Muchdi was even cleared on charges of plotting to kill the activist.

Do not forget that A.M Hendropriyono served as chairman of BIN, and Megawati served as President. So there is no way a deputy can act alone.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has also promised to resolve cases of past human rights violations, one of which is the murder case of human rights activist Munir.

Baca Juga:Kronologi Pembunuhan Munir di Atas Pesawat Garuda Indonesia versi KontraSPercepat Jarak Tempuh, Ini 10 Perjalanan Kereta Api Jarak Jauh Mulai Beroperasi 28 September 2022

Jokowi promises to resolve Munir’s death case were again billed. Because since the contract was made, Munir’s case is still being handled.

The case of Munir’s death is even threatened with immediate expiration if there is no prosecution or the patient’s status does not change to a severe human rights violation. What happened with your promise Mr. President?

Siapa yang Membunuh Munir?

Saya akan memberi Anda nama jika Anda bertanya siapa yang berada di balik pembunuhan Munir. Dia adalah Muchdi Purwopranjono yang saat ini menjabat sebagai Ketua Umum Partai Berkarya.

Munir adalah koordinator KontraS yang sangat vokal mengungkapkan bahwa pelaku penculikan 13 aktivis periode 1997-1998 adalah anggota Kopassus yang dikenal dengan Tim Operasi Mawar.

Akibat pengungkapan itu, Muchdi Purwopranjono, Komandan Jenderal (Danjen) Kopassus, menjadi tidak senang dengan Munir. Akibatnya, Muchdi harus diberhentikan dari jabatan barunya selama 52 hari.

Muchdi diangkat menjadi Kepala Deputi V BIN pada 27 Maret 2003.

“Posisi yang membuka banyak peluang untuk menghentikan aktivitas korban mendiang Munir yang merugikan terdakwa,”

Selanjutnya, simak isinya dalam versi bahasa Inggris. (*)

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