Who Killed Munir versi Bjorka

Who Killed Munir versi Bjorka
Who Killed Munir by Bjorka
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DALAM sebuah tulisan di telegram yang ditulis oleh Bjorka pada tanggal 11 September 2022. Dalam tulisannya tersebut, dia memberikan feature image tentang demo yang mempertanyakan siapa pembunuh Munir. Memang sampai dengan saat ini, belum ada titik menterang siapa sebenarnya pembunuh Munir.

Berikut ini isi tulisan dari Bjorka yang dilansir dari telegramnya.

Who Killed Munir?

I will give you a name if you ask who was behind Munir’s murder. He is Muchdi Purwopranjono who currently serves as Chairman of the Berkarya Party.

Munir was the coordinator of KontraS, who was very vocal and revealed that the perpetrators of the kidnapping of 13 activists in the period 1997-1998 were members of Kopassus, known as the Operation Team Mawar.

Baca Juga:Kronologi Pembunuhan Munir di Atas Pesawat Garuda Indonesia versi KontraSPercepat Jarak Tempuh, Ini 10 Perjalanan Kereta Api Jarak Jauh Mulai Beroperasi 28 September 2022

As a result of the disclosure, Muchdi Purwopranjono, the Commander General (Danjen) of Kopassus, became displeased with Munir. As a result, Muchdi had to be dismissed from his new position for 52 days.

Muchdi was appointed Head of BIN Deputy V on March 27, 2003. “A position that opens up many opportunities to stop the activities of the victim of the late Munir that has harmed the defendant,”

Muchdi used BIN’s non-organic network, Pollycarpus Budihari Priyanto, a pilot of PT Garuda Indonesia Airways, to kill Munir’s soul. Because at that time, it was known that Munir would fly to the Netherlands using Garuda Indonesia.

Pollycarpus was then arranged as an aviation security staff so he could take any PT Garuda Indonesia Airways flight, including the plane Munir would later board.

Furthermore, it is explained how Pollycarpus made a recommendation letter to PT Garuda Indonesia Airways to be placed in corporate security. The draft letter was typed by Pollycarpus using a computer in the staff room of Deputy V BIN. After completion, the letter was then corrected by witness Budi Santoso who had asked, “What is this for?”

Polly replied, “Sir, I want to join corporate security because there are many problems at Garuda.” Budi Santoso was also willing to correct the letter because he knew Polly was Muchdi’s non-organic network.

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